
$5,000 free credits from MongoDB

🔎 About:

MongoDB - a document database used to build highly available and scalable internet applications. With its flexible schema approach, it's popular with development teams using agile methodologies.

🧬 Deal details:

  1. $5000 free credits, valid for 12 months, for MongoDB products (including Atlas and Realm).
  2. Pair startups with MongoDB best experts in dedicated 1:1 advisor sessions to address use case specific challenges.
  3. Access to MongoDB community to test the products, finds multipliers in the developer community, and gain exposure through co-marketing initiatives.

🔑 How to activate a deal:

  1. Fill out and submit an application from the link provided after payment.
  2. Once the application is submitted, the founder will receive their specific discount code in 1 to 3 business days.

⚖️ Eligibility requirements for startups:

  • Series A or earlier funding stage.
  • Must be building a product or service (agencies are not eligible).
  • Has not previously participated in MongoDB for Startups (formerly known as “MongoDB Startup Accelerator”).
  • Must have functioning website.